Anytime I go home all I hear is, "are you sure you want to major in that? Maybe you should think about something else." And that really pushes my buttons.
Whenever I am told about "back up plans" I know that the person talking to me has the best intentions. I know that they just want me to be aware and make sure that I land on my feet after I graduate. But, the whole idea of a back up plan makes me sick.
If someone mentions a back up plan to me, my first thought is always that they think I'm not good enough. They can't see me going any farther than flushing four years, maybe even six years, of schooling down the toilet just for a piece of paper. And it sucks. I'm majoring in what I want because I am passionate about it and I really do think that I could do something beautiful with it. I don't need someone telling me that I'm not good enough, because that won't change my mind. If I'm being honest, any time someone even hints that I won't make it with my major it just gives me that much more of a push to do amazing things.
Another flaw with back up plans is the idea of me spending my life doing something I hate just for money. I would rather spend my nights with a roommate in a small apartment trying to make it in a career I love rather than swimming in money while doing a job I hate. I cannot fathom the idea of going to work and dreading it and I don't think I should have to. I think that people get stuck with jobs they dislike most of the time because they had a back up plan. If you have a back up plan then that is a safety net. If there is no back up plan then you know you have no where to fall so you are going to try so much harder to keep your head above the water.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't dislike anyone who has talked to me about back up plans or some other career paths I can take. I just wanted to take some time to say that I'm not going to listen. I have a lot of faith in myself and I think that means a lot in today's society.
If I fall, then I'll come up with a new "Plan A". But, for now, I'm going to stick with what I'm doing because it's what I love and I can't make myself do anything different.