In one of my favorite films written by a brilliant screenwriter, Stanley Kubrick’s "2001: A Space Odyssey," there is a scene where cavemen are seen fighting over a watering hole. During the struggle one uses a bone as a weapon and in triumph, hurls the bone towards the sun. The bone transforms into a spacecraft. Stanley Kubrick used this illustration to represent a transition from apes using sticks and stones into modern man creating technologies that would carry us to the moon. This scene is supposed to signify one of the first instances of creativity and our evolution into intellectual beings.
New inventions have been created for thousands of years for us to get to this point. Creativity is a special trait that has been part of human culture since the beginning of time. It has helped transform us from cavemen into intelligent humans. Expressing creativity is healthy and can benefit the world. My creative imagination has opened me to a world of knowledge and inspired me to be a writer. What would the world be like today without the creativity of people like Rembrandt or Michelangelo? Creativity can be found in all of us. Active minds exercising creativity can benefit all of mankind. Expressing your creativity in today’s world is so important. If you feel like you have a new way to do something, you deserve to tell the world! The world needs creativity and innovation! Make your voice heard. Using your imagination to formulate a new way of doing things, or inventing something could change the world. You could create a new story or form of story-telling that will inspire future generations, construct a masterpiece of artistry, or develop new technology that can benefit our planet. All ideas are powerful, even the ones we repress for fear of ridicule. It could be any of us that has the next creative idea that can bring about another intellectual enlightenment.
Leonardo Da Vinci didn't create all his inventions in one night. He took his entire life to make a difference in the Renaissance period, even being criticized and ridiculed for studying the internal makeup of the human body and creating our first sciences. Luckily, he continued his work. Bill Gates dropped out of college, but changed the world of computers with his genius and had he not used his creativity, we might not have the technology we do today.
Deep down inside all of us is a creative voice just begging to shout out to the world. I would even go as far to say that if you have a brilliant idea, it is your duty to share it with the world. After all, this is what makes us an intelligent species. The human brain is capable of great things, we just have to allow it to do great things. Today, it seems impossible to create something new with all the technology and gadgets we have, but that is never the case. Don’t be afraid to share an idea. Together, we can use our intelligence to make this planet safer, healthier and a better place for the future.