Just recently, I was enjoying the beautiful weather and listening to music on my phone. I was browsing through my playlist and realized that I have over 200 songs stored on my phone. If you multiply that by the $1.95 that it usually costs to purchase a song off of iTunes, the total is close to $400, which is a lot.
I was slightly concerned for a split second. Being a 20-year-old college student, I struggled with the thought that I could have easily used that money for a multitude of other things. For example: I could have used that money toward college expenses or food, but then I realized one thing; those songs on my playlist have gotten me through the best and worst times of my life.
"The Head and the Heart" album was there when I was trying to relax after a long, hard week of classes and work or when I just cruising down the back country roads with the windows down. Beyonce helped me get through bad breakups with the songs "Single Ladies" and "Crazy in Love," providing many fun girls' nights with my roommates. Tim McGraw and Luke Bryan were there for those perfect nights with friends and family sitting by a summer night bonfire, and the "Legally Blonde: the Musical" and "Wicked" albums were there when I wanted to relive my high school theater glory days. I am even listening to music as I write this article right now.
I do not regret a single song that I have ever purchased because the truth is that these songs have been like a solid best friend throughout my entire life and they have been worth every penny and every penny that I am going to continue to spend. Music is truly the best soother for the soul. There is no better feeling than listening to your favorite songs.
Even if I had the chance to somehow get all the money I’ve spent at iTunes, I would happily decline. I realized that when I agree to pay the one dollar and 95 cents for a song I am simply igniting my own happiness and that is worth everything.