On October 19th, I experienced a full presidential debate for the first time in live time. From the clips I had seen from the previous two debates, and the sink clips I had been constantly watching, I wasn't expecting much.
For the first twenty minutes of the debate, I was proud. I watched Trump and Hillary, both of whom seemed glued to their podium, civilly discuss their opinions and positions, holding their tempers and allowing each other to speak in turn. I thought to myself, "Wow, they've really gotten a grip on themselves."
Then everything began to fall apart. After keeping their cool for twenty minutes, I think to no one's surprise, they began interrupting, over talking each other, and attempting to invalidate each others statements. It was what I expected, and to say the least, I was disappointed.
I was disappointed not only in the manner of the candidates, but also with their answers. Neither candidate impressed me, neither influenced me, and neither convinced me of their worthiness to be considered the leader of the free world.
Frankly, I'm more undecided with my vote than I was before, and I'm upset with our government for allowing this election to unfold the way it has. I'm not seasoned in politics, and this will be the first presidential election that I'm voting in, but the fact that neither candidate can convince a politically inexperienced millennial speaks to the fact of just how unconvincing the two candidates are.
The president of the United States should be for the people, making decisions with the best interest of the country in mind. Unfortunately, in this election, I feel that this is not the candidates driving ambition. They simply want to win.