When I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and an anxiety disorder, I knew my life was going to change. I had to prepare myself for a treatment plan that included counseling, medication, and self-reflection. After being prescribed one antidepressant after another, I finally found one that worked for me, but my counselor felt like I needed another prescription. Little did I know, this prescription would be one that would positively impact my life in a multitude of ways.
I was prescribed an Emotional Support Animal, or an ESA, by my counselor. An emotional support animal is an animal that has been prescribed for a patient by a licensed mental health professional. An ESA provides therapeutic benefit to an individual with a mental or psychiatric disability. Emotional support animals are typically dogs and cats. Unlike service animals, emotional support animals do not need any training.
I would like to introduce you to my ESA, Dixie. Dixie is a 3-year-old terrier with a spunky attitude who sometimes forgets how small she is. I loved Dixie very much before she became my emotional support animal and went to school with me; however, she became a momma’s baby very quickly after she settled into her new environment. My pets have always been like family, but now Dixie was more than that. She became a ray of sunshine in the midst of dark storm clouds.
I have been on a lot of different medications for my mental illness. If you told me when I was diagnosed that the best pill would have been covered in fur, I would have called you crazy.
For more cute pictures of Dixie, search #dixiethecollegedoggy on Instagram.