I distinctly remember the first time I came to America. It was a mix of hundreds of emotions, and as a little girl, I felt more than I had ever in the entirety of my life. We were moving here, for better opportunities, a change that was drastic but necessary. A change that almost literally altered my entire life. I am thankful for this country, for everything it has given me. For the hundreds of people I've met over the 16 years I've been here. For the educational, professional, social and financial opportunities I've been given. For giving me security, safety, happiness. For giving me a family of citizens who are open-minded, simple, strong and genuinely good from the bottom of their hearts. I hold close to my heart places that have impacted my life here. Boston, Connecticut, Washington, Richmond, New York City. And every time I'm there, I have a chance to reflect on who this country has made me, and why these 16 years mean more to me than anything else.
My only hope is to give others the same opportunities I have been given. To watch them succeed at their passions, achieve their dreams and meet their goals. This country, full of its flaws, can provide a healthier, safer and happier life than many other countries around the world. I have seen that, and I'm a product of that.
For a leader to deny entry to thousands of humans who are deserving of being here is wrong and inappropriate. It is callous and degrading to the core American values. It shows heartlessness and provokes no sympathy from me.This Executive Order was not only racially and religiously prejudiced. It was badly executed, poorly presented and had no preparation. People like to say that Liberals are “emotional” and conservatives are “traditional and logical” but this Order shows that the Trump administration was acting solely based on hatred and disdain for a certain religion and race. There is no basis for this order. Officially it states that “it wants to stop foreign terrorists from entering” but that premise is inaccurate and full of falsities and loopholes. It’s irresponsible and embarrassing, it’s appalling and terrifying. This order stops families from reuniting, stops students from getting an education, stops children from fleeing war-torn areas, stops employers from sharing their knowledge, stops humans from gaining the opportunities they deserve. The only thing it doesn’t stop is the threat of foreign terrorism.
It is my hope that people never stop pushing back and challenging this administration and its beliefs. We are a group of people who are united, despite our differences in race, religion, gender etc. We are stronger than ever, and we are welcoming to all humans who are kind and good.