Procrastinate: to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done.
Everyone does it. Everyone hates themselves for doing it. As a college student, procrastination plays an important role in my life. I procrastinate so much, I have to plan around my procrastination schedule. I have to schedule a meeting? Well I can't plan for Thursday, I have a paper due at midnight, Thursday night and I know there's no way I would have started that early.
Procrastination is such a normal human behavior. I have yet to meet a human who never procrastinates. I'm a firm believer that anyone who says they never do is a LIAR. It's the part of human nature that everyone hates. The worst part about procrastination is at the end of the day, you're still most likely going to have to do whatever it was you were procrastinating on. You're still going to have to write that paper, fill out those applications, do the homework, clean your house, or whatever it was you were procrastinating on.
Through pure Procrastination I have come to discover many things about myself. I have discoved my ability to write a six page research paper in two hours, (a gift and a curse). I learned that I can go forty-two hours no sleep without a problem (okay, so my head was pounding and I was nauseous, who cares).
The worst part about procrastinating is every time I tell myself I will never procrastinate again, knowing perfectly well that is a lie.
Procrastination can make you do strange things. Procrastinating on a research paper on gun control led me to do completely unnecessary research on different werewolf myths. Procrastinating on cleaning my bedroom has led me to reenact the entire Rent cast album, Procrastinating on this very Odyssey article has led me to write a whole article on procrastination.
To whoever is reading this, are you procrastinating? Probably. I'm sure there's something far more productive you could be doing with your time besides scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or anything else. Go do your work!
In a little bit.........I'm sure you deserve a break.......