For the past couple of semesters, my life has felt pretty bland. I do the same routine every day. I go to school, go to work at my first job, chill for about 42 minutes, go work at my second job, then head straight to the library until I can no longer keep my eyes open. Luckily, I’m able to find a quick minute for a few chicken nuggets throughout my day to keep me going. A couple of weeks ago, I prayed to God asking him for something different, something to give me a source of light in this sometimes gloomy world. I’ve felt like an overly exhausted robot for far too long, so I turned to God.
On February 25, 2016, about a week after I sent that prayer up to Him, I received word that the Odyssey was starting a team at my school, Emporia State University. I applied in an instant and was amazed when my application was accepted. Shortly after, the Editor in Chief position was up for grabs, so I pounced at the opportunity. I was incredibly overjoyed when I found out that the position was all mine; I hadn’t smiled that big in a long time. Do you know that feeling you get when your heart feels like it’s been lit on fire and the flames are ignited with passion? That’s how I feel about this opportunity. I have always adored writing in my personal journal and online blog, but now I’ve been given the chance to take my hobby to the next level, and I owe it all to the man upstairs.
So hello, Odyssey and all of its viewers, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Brittany Michelle Campbell and I’m the very first Editor in Chief for the Emporia State Odyssey.
I have one goal in life and that is to impact the lives of everyone I come in contact with. I strive to make everybody feel like a somebody. I believe in beauty, mermaids, kindness, and the unknown. I believe that life is worth living and that there isn’t a problem chicken nuggets can't solve. Throughout my life, I've never been good at anything. I've never had a talent that made me stick out from my peers. I can’t shoot a ball, score a touchdown, or sprint through a finish line. I've been on sports teams, played different instruments, and even tried taking art classes, but nothing ever gave me a sense of passion. I've always been a deep, critical thinker and I've been told that I'm, "ahead of my time." In school, English has always been my favorite subject; I love improving my grammar. After the realization that I love to write, I decided to put all of my thoughts down in a notebook. Occasionally, I would text them to a close friend of mine, and he eventually talked me into starting a blog. After all of the positive feedback I got from my followers, I finally realized what talent God blessed me with. I am extremely excited to build the Odyssey at ESU and make it into something to be proud of.
I owe everything I am and everything I have to God and I’ve never had a stronger belief in the power of prayer. A few weeks ago, I never would have thought that I’d be writing for the Odyssey, but look at me now. I can’t wait to see where the Lord takes me tomorrow. He has a plan for every single one of us. Trust Him.
“Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
- Matthew 21:22