The power of positivity can be an amazing influence on the world. Every religion tells us we should treat others how we want to be treated and to love our brothers and sisters. We also understand that people who use positivity are admired, respected and remembered. Great heroes of our world have promoted ideas that helped the greater good of our civilization. Positive emotions are contagious and spread through all of us. Our positivity is always healing us and others around us. People will always remember you for being a positive person and they'll express their gratitude for showing them respect. Use this power of positivity to help people around us, learn something new or get a bit done for yourself. The universe will benefit if you live positively and righteously. Creating these good vibrations can relieve you of stress, anxiety and loneliness. These good vibrations will make us grow as humans and help expand our minds with knowledge. The power of positivity can make hard work and dreams turn into reality. Expressing a positive attitude is beneficial in finding something you are passionate about and could do as a career. It is always special seeing someone work on something they are passionate about and sharing it with the world. If you love something, it isn’t really work, is it? All of us can express our positivity to one another through generosity, humor and other respectable ways. Positive things such as laughter can be therapeutic. Humor is one my favorite tools to use to try and make the world smile. Laughter is something that can be shared and remembered for a lifetime. A happy world is a healthy world. Laughter can also help heal pain of a stressful situation going on. I have been in negative moods before and friends of mine just get me laughing then I feel a wave of relief. Expressing positivity is so important in our world. Negativity is everywhere and it is only growing. As an intelligent species, we have the free will to pick and choose whether we will be a positive or negative person. Promoting positivity in the world builds a camaraderie of peaceful, intelligent brains working for a better tomorrow. I try using humor and making at least one or more people smile every day. I feel like it is doing my part to make the world a happier place. I also am sharing inspirational thoughts, when I have them, to hopefully inspire anyone who sees it. I encourage YOU to do something positive to benefit society. If we all used our positive emotions, there would be no reason for any to feel any pain alone. We could change the planet and remove negativity from our society. Let people flourish with their good vibrations. Positivity can create a new world of productivity. Share a smile or a laugh with your fellow classmates, it could make their whole day better. Share a song that reminds you of someone you cherish. Share a piece of art that you put your all into. If we try hard enough, we could all be helping each other every day to build a strong support system we deserve to have on this planet, where positive energy rules supreme.
Health and WellnessApr 25, 2016
The Power Of Positivity In Society
A happy world is a healthy world.