While many call millennials lazy, the millennial generation is one of the most powerful generations America has ever had. We are the largest generation America has ever seen. There are 92 million of us. We are digital natives. We are the first generation that has grown up in a fully digital age. This matters. The power of the internet is undeniable. Recently, Russia used that power to work to rig the presidential election. Now it is our turn to use our skills as digital natives to change the world.
As a millennial, my first memory is 9/11 — our country moving into a war. Millennials have seen countries torn apart by war. We see mass shootings killing innocent children. We saw the first black president rise to power. Today is now the day of revolution in our country. The #MeToo movement has shown us that the power of social media can no longer be denied. We can no longer be denied.
We are not an elusive generation. We want social change. We want to be able to gain an education without being thousands of dollars in debt. As a woman, I want to be able to walk down the street without worrying if I need my pepper spray.
We are living in an America that elected a man whose platform was built on immigration fearmongering and racism. A president who has over 10 women accusing him of sexual harassment. A president who is beginning to run out of luck with foreign policy. If this is not a wake-up call, I don't know what is.
I am tired of hearing conservatives call us "liberal snowflakes." I work 40 hours each week while going to school just to get a higher education. I have researched and researched what is going on in America. I fact-check a lot more than our president does. I am young. I am educated. I am ready to fight back.
The youngest millennials will be graduating high school this year. Our time is now. It's our turn to vote. It's our turn to change our country. This starts at the polls. Midterm elections are almost here. Research your candidates and vote. We can no longer sit back and wait. It is the time of the millennial.