Women are majestic creatures. We are also complex creatures, but so are men, if we’re being honest. Our actions are often why we are perceived as complex, because not everyone knows how to take them. Again, if we’re being honest, that’s their problem, not ours. To shed light on one action and try to help people understand, I’m going to help you decode hair flips. There are good ones, there are bad ones, there are sassy ones, and all the ones in between. They are a powerful weapon in a woman’s arsenal of majestic-ness. Hair flips can mean many different things and be deciphered in many different ways. They range from light and cute, to classy and sassy, or just plain ratchet. However, you have to know what you’re working with, so the key is to make sure you are using and reading them correctly. So, to know what you're dealing with, here is your guide to using and decoding hair flips successfully. Below are what I believe to be the 12 main types of hair flips. Use them wisely.
1. Cute
The light, happy-go-lucky, go-to hair flip for casually thing to be cute.
2. Classy
When no one is on your level. Werk, it girl.
3. I'm Feeling Myself
I know I look good.
4. Fun
Did someone say party?
5. Sassy
6. Flirty
Take a hint already.
7. You're in Big Trouble
Did you really just do that?
8. Fierce
I am a majestic unicorn of fierceness and no one can touch me.
9. Serious
It's about to get real.
10. Show No Weakness
My turf, my rules.
11. I'm Trying to Keep it Together
I almost cried, but don't worry I flipped away the tears.
12. You're Wasting My Time
Like, can you move on already?