Since a young age, I've always loved stories.
I used to love making up stories in my head and sometimes even writing those stories down. To this day, I still enjoy doing this. However, as I've grown, my love for stories has shifted from telling to listening.
Everyone has a story to tell, you just have to listen.
Stories reveal more about a person's character than anything else. For, stories tell how someone has struggled and triumphed over that struggle--whether that be through a direct action or patiently waiting for the struggle to pass.
Additionally, my favorite part about hearing people's stories is hearing how the Lord has worked in someone's life.
Every story is unique but is tied together by one common factor. Through every struggle and every triumph, God is present. God is working. As Christians, our story is not only our own, it is one with Christ's.
The scarlet thread of redemption can be seen all through the Old Testament, New Testament, and even today.
From the beginning of time, God had a plan and a purpose for each person. The moment sin entered the world, God already had a plan for redemption. This is illustrated through every story in the Bible.
Being part of Christ's story is one of the greatest triumphs in this life. It means that we have hope for a brighter future and can rest in the knowledge of God's plan. His plan is far greater than anything we could come up with on our own.
If you've been part of the church all your life and have not known anything else, your story is special. God is faithful, and your story is a testimony of that faithfulness!
Even if you don't believe in God, your story still holds power. Whatever you've walked through in life, it's part of your story. However, your story has the potential to be part of something greater than anything in this life if you choose to accept Christ's invitation. Christ invites each of us to be part of His story--the greatest story to ever walk this earth