If you're like me, then you probably have a hard time finding the right words you want to say to people or just in general. It's hard for you to explain things the way you mean to and often you are misunderstood. This has been the case with me for my whole life and I had no idea on how to fix it. While I can't say I have found the "cure", I have definitely found something that I think is the closest and works for me to be understood. Songwriting.
Songwriting is one of the most powerful things in the world. Millions of people listen to music and behind each song is a story. There are endless ways to tell these stories with music. What lyrics, what genre, what instruments, and so on.
I've been writing and producing music since I was 13 years old. I started writing music because I felt like I had no friends and no one understood me. So I started to write and sing about it. This was one of my ways to explain everything that was going on inside of me and it was working. I felt I was being heard and understood. From then on I kept writing lyrics and music and as time went on I kept getting better. I started sharing my songs with my family, then friends, then random strangers. I started performing my music any chance I got and started to find that people were really responding to it. People were smiling, laughing, frowning, crying, and so on. This was all because of what I was writing and singing about.
From then on I felt heard and understood. I felt I had this connection with something that let me be who I am and say what I wanted to say. People understood me, people responded in really positive ways to what I had to say, and it impacted them. If I can create something that affects people in positive ways that makes them feel love, hope, happiness, aliveness, and so on, then I know and feel this is what I am meant to do.
I am really fortunate to have things in my life that make me feel alive and heard. For a long time, I didn't have anything and didn't know what I would do. Songwriting is just one way for me to live and express myself.
For people who don't feel heard or understood: try and find something you love to do. Something that you get lost in and lose track of time. Something that you can express yourself with and tell people who you really are and what you want to say. Try as many things as you can until you find that thing that makes you feel alive and heard.