I was skeptical of Relay for Life before I joined. Not skeptical of the cause by any means, but because it just did not seem like fun to me. I like to sleep for as many hours as I am awake, and being awake for 12 hours straight after being awake for an entire day already just did not appeal to me. Many people from my high school did it, and it was always close to the busiest part of the school year for me, so I just never joined. I participated in other fundraisers fighting cancer, but not Relay. I can one hundred percent say I regret those decisions. Cancer has touched me in many ways, just like you, and I would be crazy to not do what I can to fight it. Relay for Life through the American Cancer Society is so different from any other organization that raises money to fight cancer. Here’s why I feel this way:
Relay for Life is personal. It is so far from a lot of the other walks I have done fighting against cancer. You are a part of a team that all works hard to fundraise money in the time leading up to the event. At the event, you and your teammates take turns walking the track and make sure at least one person is participating at all times. The idea is that you are constantly walking because cancer never sleeps. There are opening and closing ceremonies. Fighters and survivors tell their story. Luminarias are lit in the dark and more. One of my favorite parts has to be that its mission is to fight all cancer, even the ones that are not very common and don’t seek a lot of media attention. It fights against all types.
If there is one thing we as people have in common, it is that we have all been affected by cancer. Whether it is your mom, dad, sister, brother, grandpa, grandpa, neighbor, friend, or YOU, it has made an impact on your life to some degree.
I don’t know of a single person who does not want to kick cancer’s butt.
Feelings I had at Relay were unlike any I’d had before. Not any other cancer fundraiser, not any other fundraiser in general. The energy on that track is so alive. It is unstoppable and nearly unexplainable. The gathering of people who are so joyful in coming together to fight something so ugly. Every person has a story, every person has a reason for being there and every person has the same common goal: To help put an end to cancer.
Relay brings people together. It creates new friendships. Stronger friendships. It is being a part of something that is bigger than yourself. Relay for Life is a celebration. The activities are endless. From karaoke to food trucks, to dress-up competitions, tug-of-war, and three-legged races, there is always something to do. I had you at food trucks, didn’t I?
I do not know how I could have ever thought Relay for Life was not something for me. As I grow older, more and more people are affected by cancer and the idea of not helping prevent that baffles me. The memories that Relay give you are irreplaceable. The difference you make by participating in Relay is priceless. It really is one in a million.
I cannot wait to Relay until we don’t have a purpose for Relay for Life anymore.