We all know that prayer is important. Just by a quick Google search, I know that the word 'pray' is mentioned around 250 times in the Bible. Jesus, Daniel, David, Solomon, the disciples, Hannah, they all prayed constantly and consistently. The greatest men and women of God spent time alone in prayer, talking to the Master of the universe and the King of Kings.
I believe that prayer brings people closer together, and there are prayer boards all around Shorter. If you look closely, you'll see prayer requests and prayers about any thing and everything. From sports teams to students, professor's families, and safe travels for the holidays. Prayer really brings people to care about each other, and that's something that I love about Shorter; being Christ-centered really brings a lot of us so much closer together, because we realize that we are brothers and sisters in Christ.
My favorite Bible verse about prayer is one heard so many times, but it's written by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 'pray without ceasing.' Our youth director at my home church used to joke about taking the concept literally, but honestly we should always be in an attitude of prayer, thanking God for what he has done for us, and talking to and communicating with him on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, we are human, and sometimes it just doesn't happen like that.
I, personally, have always had the hardest time with prayer. Whether it's remembering to do it or trying to figure out what to say, (because, let's face it, what exactly do you say to the creator of the universe?) I've always had a really hard time with it. I've recently started a prayer journal, and that had helped tons. I also write down any prayer requests in my planner so I can go back and look at them at the end of the day and see who and what I need to pray for.
I challenge you to sit down every single day this week and just pray. Whether it's for yourself, your friends, your family, your schoolwork, whatever. Sit down, clear your mind, and talk to God. He's always listening, you'll feel so much better about life, and you may be surprised at how God can work through you if you just let Him in.