Progressive patience
working progress
GiphySetting tasks towards building a project, learning a language, building a business or even a career takes time. Each step you take needs to be progressive and worth the risk, otherwise you find yourself in a loop of activity without elevation. This means that by treading strategically within the span of your ability (essentially being patient with yourself) you minimize the risk of wasting time. Thus you are not only patient with your self but also patient with your expectations of what's to come
There's a difference between waiting and being actively patient.
Did you know emperor penguins can walk as much as 280 km just to get to sea? That's active patience.
Christopher Mitchell.
The power of active patience is truly astonishing. It's like playing chess, you have to read the game, anticipate the opponents move and make yours. The reason for this is because our generation seeks instant gratification at almost every standpoint in life. We are too eager to take but not too eager to wait our turn. So imagine yourself as an emperor penguin, think of the destination not the journey, think of what you will reap when you are currently sowing and soon you will see why greatness is built off time and not just momentary brilliance.
With great power comes great responsibility but with patience comes great control.
Spider man reference.
GiphyThe greatest world leaders have often come to realize that even with massive power they had to enact patience in order to execute their plans, whether it be military action, economic planning or stringent policy change, one had to wait strategically. Even Sun Tzu said, "When the rainwater rises and descends down to where you want to cross, wait until it settles." (Art of war). This basically means that there is no rush in running in murky grounds when you know you can stand firm in that very place later on. You have more power when you are certain.
The power of patience is an endless self-discovery, I can't give all the answers but this is my interpretation of it so far. As such don't be afraid to be patient, being patient doesn't mean waiting around for something to pop out of the sky but it does mean being strategic on how you build momentum for your goals. Hope you discover the power of patience!