Music... To me it is the strongest power right behind love. It has an ability to draw out almost every emotion. It can make us laugh and cry. It can transport us to a significant time in our lives and it can be the soundtrack behind some of our favorite memories. It gives us strength to get through hard times in our lives and it can motivate us to be better people.
Music has the kind of magic that brings together people of all different races, religions, ages and ethnicities. At concerts, the fans forget about their differences and prejudices. For that night, they are all the same people listening to music that touches their souls. Magic is the only way to explain how 1,000 different people can hear one song and experience it in a very personal and unique way.
Many of my friends make fun of me because I have this strange ability to remember the time, place and people I was with when I listened to a song for the first time. For a girl who can hardly remember her age or the date, this is a real miracle. But this is true for many people. Almost everyone has at least a handful of songs that are just as important to them as a friend or a pet.
There are even people who testify the power of song. People have overcome suicidal thoughts when a song gave them the power to fight on. Others believe that deceased loved ones speak to them through certain songs.
"Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac is a song I play every year on my birthday to remind me to embrace the highs and lows of life. "Humble and Kind" provides me with so many reasons to strive toward being a better person and I would be lying if I didn't say that I am inspired to be more kind every time I listen to it. "Crazy Love" by Van Morrison reminds me to never settle for ordinary love. There are so many more songs that have LITERALLY changed me. It sounds a little crazy but I promise it is true.
It is always so exciting when you find other people who share favorite bands and artists. I feel such a strong connection with those who have the same taste. I could talk for hours about my favorite songs and artists with a complete stranger. This speaks volumes on the power that music has.
I know for a fact that music has forever changed me. While I do not believe it transforms people, I do believe that it brings out the best in them. It makes people want to kiss their significant other a little longer, hug their family a little tighter and believe in themselves a little harder.
I am sure the gift of music is one of the main reasons God gave us ears. Boy, am I thankful for something so amazing.