In many instances, especially as a college student, I find myself devaluing myself when it comes to academics or activities that I am not particularly strong at, or have simply never done before. I hear statements such as "I'm so bad at math" or "I'm going to fail this test, I'm terrible at foreign languages" all the time, from my friends and peers. Though these statements are relatable, they are inherently damaging.
The mindset of "I can't do it" is harmful because if you already think that you can't do something, you won't put the effort into trying to learn. As Henry Ford said, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." It's cliché to say that you can do anything you put your mind to, but there is truth in that statement. If you work hard enough at something, you will improve.
A fixed mindset is unhealthy because there is no room for growth; you've already made up your mind about what you can and can't do. A growth mindset creates a positive outlook that helps you learn and grow. You won't wake up one day and suddenly have a different mindset; change happens little by little. The more you tell yourself positive affirmations, the more you will start to believe in them.
Sometimes the issue is that when we say, "I'm bad at this", what we really mean is, "I have no interest in learning this." I may not be a math person, but that doesn't necessarily make me "bad" at math. If I was interested in studying math, I would put the time and effort into becoming good at it. There's a difference between knowing you can do something, and just not wanting to, and thinking that you can't do something at all.
If you have a positive mindset, you'll find you can tackle any challenge you are faced with. Instead of looking at a task and immediately wanting to give up, you will embrace the challenge because you know how much you will learn and grow from it. Life has many trials, and it can be difficult to keep an optimistic outlook at times. The tough situations are the most vital times to be aware of your mindset, because your attitude can change everything. When you replace "I can't" with "I can," positive change will happen in your life.