Knots. A word with a thousand meanings. Knots in the pit of my stomach. Knots on the lead line tied to a halter worn by a beloved horse. Knots in the reins that I have relied on for years to get me through every turn and bent as I ran that beloved horse. Knots in a fishing line cast by an 82-year-old man waiting eagerly above the surface of the murky waters. Knots in wind blown hair belonging to a green eyed girl. Kinks in the dream of that green eyed girl that show the trials in her string. The yarn, that desires to run flat through the loom called life, gathers around each knot of that green eyed girl. They pull the yarn tight until it appears that each knot could bring the demise. Just before that green eyed girl starts to beg that loom for mercy, the knots pull through. Knots. A four letter word full of so much depth. What would life be like without knots?
This summer I acquired some very unexpected knots in my life. Being that green eyed girl, I speak from experience in saying that life can be mean. After having a relationship end through unexpected events, I turned to my friends and family for comfort but found that the real strength I needed was to be found from within. Every morning, I thanked God for a new day; I was determined to make it a good one. As time goes on, the scars from that relationship fade and It pleases to say that because of what I learned through that experience I am more confident in what kind of person I want to be.
Comparing life to knots might sound like a childish analogy but as an aspiring adult sometimes its nice to see situations simplified. I think thats the problem with most of us today. We disguise our pebble size problems as boulders and then wonder how we are going to tackle the boulder forgetting that is just a pebble. I find myself struggling every day with the pebble size boulders and knots in my yarn that I create.
From one student of life to another, I hope you will be able to rid yourself of the unwanted baggage you have but never forget the knots who made your yarn unique.