Because of the divide that has been created by the two-party system, views between the left and right wing can be described as polar opposites, and will always be. But it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, there are some political issues that should not have to be a battle. Instead, these major issues should be looked at as a way of preserving the small amount of humanity that seems to be left in this world, being picked apart little by little, by the hands of fear.
A major concern of mine becomes revealed during the heated discussion that heightens with different views on the subject of gun control.
Personally, I do not believe that a person needs to identify solely with either the left or right wing’s view when it comes to being concerned with such a big issue, which — quite frankly — has our lives at stake.
You ask why, when really, it shouldn’t even be a question.
We are seeing humanity deteriorate right in front of our eyes.
Think about it.
There are far too many news headlines of "____________ finds gun in _________ and accidentally shoots him/herself (and/or friend of family member)."
Far too many headlines of these hateful, brutal massacres, horrific homicides, fatal attacks among innocent people and stories of helpless humans being slaughtered.
Far too many headlines stating the number of those whom have been killed and those whom have been critically injured.
This needs to stop.
That part is over and done with. We need no more stories bearing end of accidental ending of one's life.
How many times do we need to read these headlines to have it ingrained in our brains that we need control when it comes to the distribution of firearms?
I am not saying that it is not a gun owner's "God given right" or “Goddamn right” to possess firearms. I would never tell someone what he or she can and cannot own, for that is simply not my place. Know that I respect your outlook on whether one should own concealed weapons, regardless of your political view. However, if you are someone who is not open-minded, I am simply asking for you to think about how dangerous these weapons really are, and just how much power hides behind each and every one of them.
These firearms are not plastic toys. These aren’t the Nerf, BB or water guns we played with as kids. They are real. They are dangerous. And they have the power to fatally affect those who cross paths with the wrong person.
As we well know, the Second Amendment of the United Constitution states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." But, this is where I ask you, what is intended by the precise wording of the Second Amendment? Because, just like any other statement shared by anyone at all, each person who reads it may interpret the words of this document differently.
I ask you all to please realize just how much damage these firearms are capable of. I am asking you, whether or not you support the ownership or guns or possess firearms of any kind, please, please, please keep your concealed weapons hidden and out of reach from curious little hands. There is a time and a place for them. But I cannot stress enough how heartbreaking it is to read that a 4-year-old has shot his mother in the back, or that an 8-year-old has accidentally shot himself in the shoulder. Why do these young children even have access to such dangerous weapons?
If you can hide your prescribed medications and toothpaste in the medicine cabinet out of reach, you can hide your concealed weapons above the reach of curious, little hands.
In addition to the accidental fatalities caused by children accidentally discovering firearms, there are many other issues related to guns, such as the unforgivable massacres upon innocent children and adults.
I mean, let's think back to the shooting that occurred April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School, thus leaving 12 students and one teacher dead, 21 additional people injured, and three more that were injured during their attempt to escape the school, and not counting the pair that took their own lives at the end of the massacre.
I also want to remind you to look back on a more recent shooting, one that took place in Newtown, CT, at Sandy Hook Elementary, December 14, 2012. Unfortunately, 20 children between the ages of 6 and 7 years old were left fatally injured, including six school staff members. This shooting is said to be "the deadliest mass shooting at a high school or grade school in U.S. history and the third-deadliest mass shooting by a single person in U.S. history."
I could go on and on. But my talking about all of the innocent lives lost so prematurely does not fix a single thing. Nor does my writing about how we need laws to restrain some of the actions people are making with guns. We as a country must take action, together. Both liberals and conservatives must stand side by side and accept that gun control is a major issue that must be dealt with.
As most of you do, I scrolled down my newsfeed on Facebook and stumbled across a quote. The quote read, "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." Well, this may be entirely true. But, if this is the case, there still must be control of those who possess such dangerous weapons. A gun doesn't fire itself. It is the person behind the gun who pulls the trigger.
There must be laws to prevent all that has been reoccurring over and over again. There is no excuse anymore. Too many lives have been threatened. Too many lives have been lost. How many massacres must make the headlines of the news and we still don't do a damn thing about it?
I am mad. I am livid.
As John Oliver, an English comedian, shared during one of his shows,
"One failed attempt at a shoe bomb and we all take off our shoes at the airport. Thirty-one school shootings since Columbine and no changes in our regulation of guns."
While he may be a comedian, this is no joke. The United States is in desperate need of new regulations of guns. How many more deaths or fatal injuries will it take for our country, as a whole, to realize that?
Let's talk about an even more recent massacre: the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting. How can the image of a total of 102 people, 49 killed and 53 wounded, not make you even slightly cringe? How can you look at this abominable, incomprehensible act of hate and not be disturbed?
How could you not be disturbed when people are being shot for no reason? How can you just sit there and think it’s not a big deal because it doesn’t personally affect you or anyone you know? Well, hey. Those people that lost their lives were a family member or friend to others. They were a big part of others’ lives. Those people who were fatally wounded or even simply gunned down? That was someone’s father. Mother. Sister. Brother. Aunt. Uncle. Cousin. Child. That could be someone you know. It could even be you.
How can you sit where you are and believe that there is nothing wrong with the regulations of firearms?
We must stand together. No matter the ideology we identify with.
Our ideology should not cause us to be separated when there are lives at stake.
Change is not only necessary. It is essential.
Lives should not be sacrificed for an ideology.
If we continue to sit and watch, our world will continue to deteriorate by the hands of fear, one shot at a time.