Lets go back to the time when we were four and said, "When I grow up I am going to be a insert job here!" Now look at yourself. Guys, I haven't done a true blue self assessment since I was seventeen and looking at colleges. Now, we are all grown up. Some of us are in places we want to be, and others, we have started to lose hope. I know I did. I lost all hope. I saw myself giving my life over to the true god of all retail, Target. The funny thing is that we are not ever done with life until we ourselves say so. So whats next? I'm here but I want to be there? I want a degree but I am already halfway to 30. What more can I do? There's something, accept change and going after your dreams.
My name's Lauren, and I fully admit I have drug my feet in the mud for over two years. You can blame my homeboy depression, but truthfully, I did not see any worth in myself. I searched for it though. I searched for it in men, work, friends, and even went through trials of self harm. You know lets slice your arm off and everything is better right? WRONG. No, I am not making fun of self harm. I did it for over 10 years, and my entire life at one point was dedicated to that to make myself feel better. What I am saying is that your emotions and how your brain functions controls you. If you are reading this right now and feel like you have no more hope, no more meaning, I want you to read this next paragraph. Its something that just recently I figured out. It's something that made me see that even though I'm at this place in life, I can still get to the other place that I want to be.
If you feel worthless, unloved, stupid, insert anything negative about your life here, I know how it feels. I think the main factor in growing up and adapting is the simple notion to adapt to change. Change is a scary thing. Change can either make things better or cause something life altering to happen, but all in all change is apart of life Change is there because we need those trials, tribulations, pain, and happiness to make us successful in life. We need that change because one simple thing can open so many doors. So, if any of you are reading this, if any of your are in so much pain, then do something. Change something. It's sometimes an obstacle itself, but its worth it. So first things first. If you're looking to go after a job, do it. Want to move? Do it. Want to go back to school? DO IT! Even if you feel like no one believes in you, believe in yourself. You are the best motivator and coach a person can have because no one knows yourself, like you do. Make your worst enemy your best friend. Love yourself. It will set you free to claim your dreams. I usually have really bad self esteem, but I am going on a ledge and posting a picture of a quote that was given to me, "She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the whole universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings."
Remember everyone that strength, perseverance, and power is within all of us. channel that and get your dreams by the throat. Find a quote and live by it daily. I believe in you. The world believes in the beauty of your soul and the impact you have on this Earth.