As Donald Trump's polarizing campaign continues to have success, it still remains uncertain that he will gain the majority needed to win the nomination. Nevertheless, if Trump doesn't gain the nomination, the question of an open Republican Convention in Cleveland has emerged as a real possibility.
This chance of a second-ballot would be a major political event and hasn't occurred within the Republican party in more than half-a-century.
The way this open convention would work would be that Convention delegates who are pledged to back a certain candidate on the first ballot are released from their commitments in subsequent rounds of voting. Depending on the state, delegates have to stick with their pledged candidates for at least a second ballot or have the ability to change their vote. This gives the non-Trump candidates a chance to sway the party in their direction.
A contested convention could also be a very contentious one, as Trump supporters revolt against what they see as efforts to steal the nomination from their candidate.Trump is already working hard to head off the possibility, arguing that whoever arrives in Cleveland when theThe problem that arises out of this open convention is not only the utter collapse of the GOP, but the fact that the votes of the American people would be rendered absolutely meaningless. This leads many Americans to ask, "How is this democratic?" Especially in a representative democracy, in which the representatives of the people are supposed to vote for the candidate which receives the most votes from his or her constituents. Consequently, this would only fuel the fire of the anti-establishment movement both Trump and Sanders have begun.
If this open convention occurs and the voices of the people are overpowered by the power brokers in Washington, both Trump and Cruz have been quoted as saying it could lead to "riots" and "revolt."
At this point, for the sake of American politics, an open convention doesn't have to occur and a candidate wins a majority. I think it is vital that a candidate wins a majority in order to maintain the small amount of integrity left in this election. But if a convention does occur, then this election will become even more unpredictable and contentious. If the Republican establishment attempts to supplant Trump and/or Cruz, then it could witness the unlikely alliance of both candidates.
The next few months will be crucial to the outcome of the Republican race and could change the course of American politics forever.