Some things are meant to be really easy. Living your life, is one of those things. We make it harder on ourselves the moment we fall victim to our own stories. Since I moved away from home, people have this look they give me when they find out it's just me. It's somewhat encouraging, yet full of sympathy. The first couple months of "freedom" quickly turns into initiation. Depending on your location, there's always a stream of unfortunate events you fall prey to.
In Tallahassee, for example, there's getting your car towed by Professional Parking Services and having to deal with their poor customer service skills. If you haven't managed to get your I.D stolen yet, good props to you. Downloading Tinder to find a new "fling" ( total hit or miss btw), but getting the rejects of Tally. Those are just to name a few things that constantly happen here. Welcome to Tallahassee.
This is only the beginning of your journey. Once you pass through initiation, everything after that is make it or fix it. You need to remember that above all, you're most important. I want you to take my word when I say packing up your life and moving six hours or half away around the world, isn't ever the easiest thing that can be done (but it's possible). It takes months of preparation to build the courage to go forward with your hearts' desire.
Your new reality pushes you out of your beloved comfort zone. It only takes a couple shots of tequila and one too many sleepless nights to drive you right done the rabbit hole. You begin to stress your mind about the things you've done to lead you to the path you're on, if it's good or not. Did it ever cross your mind that, maybe you're actually the bad guy? Trust me, it's JUST the tequila talking.
You're doing great. If anyone can finish your journey, it's you. Don't let the tequila talk you out of your greatness. Being on my own, I've witnessed alcoholics and bums of the extrodanery kind. There's a distinctive difference between them all, but nonetheless the same addiction. They are addicted to their own sob stories, something successful people just don't have time for. Rememeber you're important and most importantly love yourself.