The Plight Of Violas | The Odyssey Online
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The Plight Of Violas

The jokes aren't funny.

The Plight Of Violas
Viola In Music

The viola. The most majestic, yet underappreciated instrument in the orchestra. For those who do not know, the viola is slightly larger than a violin with a deeper, richer sound, but it is not as big as a cello. To put it in simple terms, if you knew nothing about classical music and you went to an orchestra concert, you not be able to tell the difference between the violins and violas, provided that you know what a violin is. As a violist of 11 years now, I can say with certainty that we consistently get the short end of the stick. Whether it is one of the thousands of jokes made about us or the lack of decent solos given, we are constantly being overlooked, and it isn't fair.

As I mentioned, violas look quite similar to violins, which is why we are so commonly forgotten. However, we are different and essential to orchestras. We might not always get the solos like the violins, but we are often the ones keeping the orchestra together and in the right tempo, as we are usually playing the same note or in pizzicato for hundreds of measures, so you're welcome. My bleeding fingertips are my sacrifices for the orchestra.

I can't even tell you how often we are cheated out of solos. At the beginning of every semester when we get the new music and look to see where we play, we are constantly disappointed. We jump for joy for the five precious seconds of the spotlight that we get, only to have it taken away by none other than the violins. Honestly, it should be a criminal offense to have a solo taken away and given to the second violin section.

Here's another thing: we are tired of all of the jokes. We are humans with feelings and we deserve as much respect as the violins — I mean, at least we won't cause your eardrums to burst from listening to our high notes, unlike some people. Violas work hard and practice just like everyone else, so we deserve to be treated with dignity.

For most of us, the viola was an instrument that was chosen for us, not one that we chose. When I was in fourth grade preparing to go into middle school and had to pick my instrument, I listed the cello, the violin and the clarinet as my preferred choices ... and they gave me the viola. Of course, at that time, I did not know what a viola was either, but I am so glad that it was chosen for me and that I have stuck with it for all of these years. The viola is the only instrument whose music is always in alto clef — with the occasional use of treble clef, which is the bane of our existences — so that makes us a uniquely skilled group.

So next time you're at a concert or are listening to some Mozart, stop and think about that small little section of violas crushed in between dozens of violins and cellos. Viola players are important parts of orchestras and we work just as hard as everyone else. There may not be many of us out there, but we are a strong and feisty group. Come and get to know us!

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