As a writer, I have found that employing the art of reading has served many practical and productive uses. There is undeniably a large difference in reading texts and pieces of literature for academic purposes and reading for sheer joy and entertainment. Reading for one’s own pleasure is not only important, but seems that it is increasingly forgotten and left behind as a simple yet powerful method of self-joy, relaxation, and therapy.
I spent the last few days delving into a Mitch Albom book, finding it immensely difficult to put my book down due to a growing inclination and dire need to see how the story unravels. As an avid reader and an individual who views reading as more than just a hobby, I have found it difficult to commit to my own leisure reading. But I find that it is important to make the time to do so regardless because of the therapeutic nature of it. As a young student in elementary school, the power and significance of reading are overemphasized and considered a necessity for the practical use that it will serve in the future. People are advised to read to further knowledge, which of course is one incredible goal achieved when diving into novels, but the aspect of adventure and a considerable amount of escapism holds great power.
Books allow individuals to experience the world that exists beyond the bounds of the universal life that are shared amongst all people. It connects the imagination of the writer and/or author to that of the reader, which makes for a very distinct and unique interpretation for each person. It instills knowledge by allowing everyone to envision innovations and ideas from a perspective that extends beyond those that are considered fathomable and realistic. It allows for us to step into possibilities and opportunities that cannot and do not exist in our world and this very nature of reading is magical.
I have found that reading is often viewed as a chore by those that refuse to pick it up but I do not believe that reading is not for everyone. It is an adventure and risk that all have the chance to take but must place them in a position to accept it.
I believe that amidst the havoc and limitless stress that people take on particularly college students, it often hinders their ability to find time for leisure activities. But one important thing that I have found to learn and love is that the best way to combat stress is to actively practice and participate in simple, solo activities that reduce stress levels. Although on the surface it seems as though the best way to tackle stress, particularly that related to deadlines and time constraints, would be to complete everything as quickly and efficiently as possible, I have found that taking the time to immerse myself in reading has proven to be beneficial and rewarding.