Finding yourself.. It's so easy to lose who you really are. As we grow, and life barrels hardships at us, we lose a little of who we are piece by piece. We focus so much on others wants and needs, that we neglect our own. Work, school, relationships (especially the unhealthy ones) we forget through all of these things how important it is to take care of, and protect our own emotional well being.
Life has a tendency to break us down until we are a shell of the person that we once were. At some point in your life you will have a moment where you are raw, broken, and are feeling the weight of how much of yourself you've lost. But, in that moment you will also find your strength, and your motivation. THAT, in that exact moment is when you will discover who you really are, and who you aspire to be. The days, months and maybe even year(s) to follow after, you will have that day..that feeling...that brokenness as a constant reminder, and motivator to get to where you are meant to be. This last year, has been MY year, and my journey is still ongoing.
This year, I found my tribe. The people who get the me I am becoming, and that encourage me to continue my growth. This year I have almost doubled my salary compared to last. This year I have taken the initiative in following my dreams. This year I have learned how to be, and stand alone. This year I have learned how to stand up for myself against those who take advantage of my kindness. This year I have been a plumber. This year I have been a mechanic. This year I have been the A/C repairman. This year I remembered how to have FUN. This year I remembered that I am worthy. This year I have lost, struggled, failed, and I have cried countless tears..BUT, I never let those things overcome my determination.
This list may seem silly, but on the days when I am beginning to feel the weight of the world again, these things..even the little silly ones, are what I remind myself of. So when your moment comes, do these things, learn these things, make your list...But most importantly DISCOVER YOUR MOST BEAUTIFUL SELF! ❤️