It’s funny how we are made to “sin,” but told not to in church. Not to bully, do drugs and drink, or talk shit in elementary school. But, once we get to high school,and college this culture is glorified. You give in.
It's funny how we are made to explore each other. But not given the right information to be safe. Then shunned or judged when a women is months into pregnancy, a young couple getting married too early, or having to make a choice in your head about this loud situation, quietly and mindfully.
It’s funny how men are taught to have a preference for shades of blue and green. Taught not to cry, but yet given tear ducts. That women are given breast to feed their eyes not the stomach of their children, and to have their wife at home to take care of them after a hard day’s work.
It’s funny how women are taught to have a preference for shades of pink and red. Taught that marriage is the end goal in their life. That children are the reason they are on the earth, nothing more and nothing less, and to wait for their man to come home from a hard day’s work with dinner waiting on the table.
It’s funny how we all try so hard to be different, but yet all shop at the same places, watch the same shit, post and retweet the same crap on our feeds, and have the same bright screens in our faces.
I FIND IT’S SO FUNNY THAT, a woman like me: focused, driven, empowered, and FINE AF; can be so infatuated and attracted to this man who believes he has no tear ducts. That cat calls and sings at every woman he sees. That gets what he wants, with not much effort.
It’s funny how we go through the world knowing we are alive, but not living till at death’s door.
It’s funny how we want so much, but do so little.
It’s funny how we are born with dreams to go far. But not given the means to do so.
It’s just so funny, how petty we all are.