There are always people in our lives that surprise us. We don't expect certain things to happen, they just do. When you least expect it, a person comes into your life and ends up being one of the most important people to you. It wasn't always that easy, though. A lot of people came into my life naturally, and have been through everything with me, but my story was different with one of my best friends. It's truly amazing how friendships can be formed in so many different ways.
I honestly didn't think I would ever be friends with this girl. We had met at a Girl Scout camp, but we didn't really know each other because we always did different programs. Well, then things changed, we were both doing the program where we tested out a sleep away camp for 3 days. I was so excited for this program. I didn't know I was going to spend parts of it being upset and left out. Obviously, when people are little they do silly things and don't really understand any consequences of their actions. When I first met my best friend, we were 8, and she certainly wasn't my friend.
She bullied me. She left me out of activities during rest hour, and always tried to get my other friend to stop hanging out with me. As an 8-year-old, it was a hard feeling to not be included in things that everyone else was doing. I remember crying to my counselors, complaining that I was left out. She was sassy to me and I didn't know how to deal with that. It wasn't until the night she was homesick at 11 pm where we actually started talking. I had felt hurt and left out due to her previous actions, but I wasn't the type of person to leave someone be when they were crying or upset. It's just natural for me, so I was the one who sat and comforted her even though I should have been in bed myself. I didn't even know if she would let me comfort her, but she did. I stayed with her, got the counselors to come calm her down, and I ended up being the reason she didn't want to go home. When the 3 days were over, I couldn't wait to introduce my new friend to my parents.
If someone were to bully me today, I would just let it go, but I'm glad my 8-year-old-self stuck around. I always try to find the best in people no matter what. It worked out in my favor because I gained a best friend. Everyone always laughs when I tell that story because they know we're so close now. I don't know where I would be in life without this person. We have our differences like every friendship does, but I know she will always have my back. This story always makes me happy because people can change and come a long way from when you first meet them. I'm incredibly grateful for our friendship even if I didn't think we would be friends at first. I love you Merekitty.