To the person who never felt good enough,
You deserve to live a happy life. You do not deserve to experience heartbreak. You should not have to go through your life wondering when you will feel good about yourself again. You are worth more than you could possibly realize. Trust me.
There is this stigma that surrounds the idea of being sad and feeling depressed and not being happy. Over the past few years, our society as a whole has started to target the concept of having mental illnesses and even just not feeling good about ourselves. The media portrays a certain idea of what men and women should look like. When editing photographs for magazines, men’s pictures are edited because even they have certain expectations that they need to live up to.
When flipping through the pages of "Vogue" or "Men's Fitness," the pages are covered in men and women who have perfectly-cut bodies with abs, toned muscles, perfectly shaped butts, and size-zero waists. These are the body images that we are all expected to mirror based off of what we are told is society’s idea of perfect. But you do not need to have these things. You are perfect just the way you are and no expectation of society should make you feel any differently about yourself.
We all go through some form of heartbreak at some point in our lives. We all have those nights when we eat a pint of ice cream while watching reruns of our favorite hopeless romantic movies or go out and get blackout drunk because we can not bear the idea of being alone that night. It is inevitable that this will happen at some point in time. Unfortunately we can not do anything about it, no matter how much we wish it would not happen.
But do not forget that you are worth more than that boy or girl who broke your heart. You are good enough. It is hard to believe something like this when the person who made you feel like you were on top of the world left you, but it is true. You are worth more than that and you are just as amazing with or without them by your side.
When you look in the mirror every day, you should not feel the need to pick apart all of the flaws you see in yourself. Even that girl or guy who you idolize who has the “perfect” hair and “perfect” body has flaws. They do the same thing you do. They look in the mirror and pick out their flaws, too. But neither one of you should feel the need to do that because you are both unique and that is what makes you special. You are good enough and you should not feel as though there is someone you need to compete with in order to make you feel better about yourself. Sometimes the best days of our lives are when we are just being ourselves and loving who we are, where we came from, and where we are going.
You are worth it. You are good enough. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, tell you differently.
From the girl who never felt good enough.