To The Person Who Tried To Make Me Feel Worthless,
Screw you.
I don't know why you think it is okay to make someone feel bad about themselves because of their weight. Obviously, I'm not as fit or in shape as you, but it gives you no reason to look down on me as a person. You have no right to make me feel like shit regarding my eating habits or exercise routines. I've tried to better myself health wise while you should be trying to better yourself personality wise. Because if you think you are able to push me down like that, then you need a reality check.
I have tried to better myself by eating healthy and exercising more. I have tried to lose weight and go to the gym almost every day. When it isn't in your daily routine, it's hard. A habit takes 21 days to form, but at least I've made an effort. I don't look like this for you. I don't have to look like this for you. I don't have to meet your standards. I have people who love me the way I am.
I don't know what happened in your life to make you so hateful towards someone. In this day and age we should be spreading body positivity, not body shaming. It's actually kind of embarrassing for you. You know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry you have so much hate in your heart. I'm sorry that you feel as if you're better than someone because of their waist size. I'm sorry that you feel so compelled to taunt someone over something so small (no pun intended).
Don't get me wrong, this article is not just for big women or men, but for smaller people as well. Smaller men and women have at some point in their lifetime experienced that one line, "Maybe you should eat a cheeseburger every once in a while". You never know what someone may be doing to help them either lose weight or gain weight. Body shaming is never okay, whether you are thick or thin. It's crazy to think that it is 2016 and people are still criticizing other people's body's.
When growing up, public schools always taught us to treat others the way we would want to be treated. You obviously didn't follow those rules, unless you want me to snap back and belittle every thing wrong with you. I won't do that. Because I know I am a much better person than you are. And honestly, if I had lower self esteem I would probably be starving myself right now. Thankfully, it takes a lot to push me down. There are so many men and women out there who don't have a good support system or a high self esteem and small things may hurt them emotionally. I just don't see the purpose of trying your hardest to hurt someone so deeply over something so stupid.