Today I listened as my professor talked about how he/she was in the "special ed." program in high school. "You'll never be a good writer", "you'll never be a good reader," he/she was told. The guidance counselor even look him/her in the eyes and told him/her to be realistic when choosing a college to attend. As I listened to these words coming out of my professor's mouth, my heart broke for him/her. My heart broke because I've experienced my fair share of feeling "not good enough", and it honestly is one of the worst feelings in the world.
In middle school, I was told by a coach that I needed to change to be more like another person who played the same position as me. I was constantly compared to this person and told to be more like this person. No matter what I tried, I was always left with a feeling of inadequacy - and social media is a big thing. You scroll through Instagram and see some girl's bikini pictures, and you just wish you looked like her. Why can't you have the perfect body? Or the perfect hair? Or the perfect smile?
This world is drowning in judgement.
You're judged by the amount of money you supposedly have, the appearance of your house, and the brand of clothes you wear, but I dare you to be different. Be unique. Be YOU. Never change because of someone else's thoughts and opinions.
"A lion does not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep."
So if you're reading this, maybe you have been compared to someone else, or told that it is impossible for you to reach your dreams, or been treated differently because of the amount of "stuff" you own, or felt inadequate because of the way you look, or maybe you've been told that that you cannot overcome obstacles in your life - but those people are so wrong.
Your worth does not depend on money or personal items, your worth does not depend on past mistakes, and your worth definitely does not depend on the opinions of others.
You are good enough.
I promise that.