Every bone in my body, every thought in my mind urges me to put others before myself. This is how I was designed, how we were designed. I look at others who selfishly grab the world by their hands and think why can't I be like them. The truth is no matter how many times I try to act in my own self interest I feel guilty. I feel as if I do not deserve it.
We are the type of person to pour and pour our heart out until it is all dried up and withered. We give and we will keep giving. No matter how many times we try to be selfish, it leaves us feeling a little emptier inside.
I am not saying being selfish is bad. We envy you at times. Because sometimes we get stepped on, not just once, but multiple times by many different people. Because we don't selfishly grab the world by our hands, we sometimes finish last. It takes us longer to get places, to go further, to find our own voice.
Being selfless has taught me to be stronger, to be patient, and to be unyielding in my ability to make change. It is not that our own happiness isn't important, it is seeing the impact that we make in other individuals lives that fuels our soul.
Do not stop being selfless.
But do not forget to take care of yourself.
And sometimes you need to be reminded that it is okay to say no.
You are valuable. You have so much love to give. You deserve the same happiness you so willingly give to someone else.