This letter is for anyone that came into my life, and didn't quite make it to the next chapter...
~ I want to thank you for making me a better person in some ways. I want to thank you for always making me laugh and telling me jokes. I'll forever cherish all of our memories, good and bad, our beautiful days, and our ugly days. You will forever have a piece of me, and I, you.~
At one point in time you were my best friend. You were the one that I told everything too; from the weird looks someone gave to me, or the serious stuff like when I found out I was moving away. We did everything together. We were inseparable and obnoxiously annoying to others, what could be better?
But, along with our good times, came our bad times. The times we fought, and didn't talk for days. When everything became about you, rather than asking how I was.
It turned into a one sided friendship that I could no longer be apart of.
I grew out of my old skin and into someone who has grown up, physically and mentally. I will not just let people walk all over me like a doormat, when after all this time I've been the one holding the door open for them. For awhile I didn't know that I could let the door go, and keep moving forward. I just continued to hold the door open for people who didn't even deserve it.
I stood there with that door open for years and not once did I ever receive a thank you, or any appreciation. You walked right through that door and trashed everything. You made me realize that not everyone is good, and kind hearted. You made me realize that I don't need people who don't need me, someone that appreciates me and my friendship.
So, it's okay that you didn't make it to this chapter in my life. You've already made this chapter better, by not being in it. This chapter is everything it's supposed to be because your time in my life ran short. You taught me how to improve in the future and you taught me how to be even kinder than before. So, thank you for that.