You feel as though you are in some dried up desert land and God's trying to play the ultimate game of hide and go seek; regardless of how much you call out to him, seek him and pray, you feel some sort of void. So, you just stop trying. You stop putting in the daily dose of energy to seek him and let it fade as if handing off the ball to another teammate you feel is more capable of running the ball. Even though you trained, you practiced for that position and you were the one given the responsibility to carry through for your team, you just hand it off.
God doesn't disregard his children. Sometimes, as his children we clutter our lives with unnecessary garbage and it's mostly accumulating at your job where it's easiest to pile on task after task, because if you don't keep yourself busy you'll go crazy, right? We get in this slump of handing away ownership to something that's our duty and purpose to fulfill. It's like we don't want to face the reality of the large stack of paperwork on our desk every day, or calling those eighteen people back that have been on your voicemail for two weeks now. Yet, we want to grip and complain when we don't get the wishes we've asked for when we haven't even completed what's on our plate. Like, why would people give us seconds if we threw away our perfectly good plate of food in the first place? It just doesn't make sense.
What ever happened to doing things with good purpose-- like God called us to? Instead, we want to shut out any responsibility because we think our job entitlement is much more vital than our spiritual well-being. If we just put in those two extra hours, it'll be all worth it on that next paycheck. But, who was the one who paid it all and why are we riding it off as though he asked for a paid vacation, when he is/was the only perfect person that ever stepped foot on this earth? He didn't ask for death, it came swooping in after him and he took it up so he wouldn't have to pass it off to us.
He's working in you every day, in fact he's enabling you, giving you the strength to bear each hardship, and joyous moment (Philippians 2:13).
I'm tired of justifying my daily bread with this soggy, molded packaged stuff that I've been letting the enemy fill in my head. God is worthy and honorable, so why am I treating him as though he deserves to be my second choice-- when on that day when he was hanging there on that cross empty handed, he decided to die for me, because he knew that I was less than perfect and guilty as charged. I promise you He didn't do it for any type of job entitlement or satisfaction but because He loves me.
Friends, he calls us to be the body and for the whole body to function we must come together and build each other up. Let's do work for the kingdom and put in overtime for the one who will be around at all times and laid his life so we could have ours.
Ecclesiastes 9:10
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