Most people love to have their picture taken, but that’s just not for me, however I prefer to be on the other end of the spectrum. The one capturing the masterpiece, not occupying it.
I don’t know how to say in any other words, than I just hate having my photo taken. I absolutely despise it. I am just not photogenic and I’d rather just stay behind the lens, than be in front of it. My self esteem may be the lowest or even the highest it’s ever been, I have never felt comfort being the center of a piece of art. Whether it’s a night out or a night in, being in charge of the way a photo comes out has always been more of an enjoyment for me than getting to post a silly photo on instagram for likes. Just because I am not the one in the photo doesn’t mean I don’t know the story behind the frame. As the person behind the button, I have the opportunity to understand the world in a way most people wouldn’t. It’s my job to catch these moments, so my story is usually the best one to hear or see.
Being behind the lens, gives me a sense of control, I decide how I want my photo to turn out, what I want people to feel when they see it, and how I want it to be interpreted. I can channel my emotions into a photo and tell a story I might normally decide to keep inside of me. I know that anytime I am angry or sad, I have an outlet that I completely control. When I take a photo, I am completely in charge of my background and the image that I will portray. Even though our world is constantly changing around us, the pictures I take never will. The still photo can be altered in various filters and different lightings, but the story that’s being told will always be the same.
Another thing about capturing pictures is just that, I’m not just taking a picture, I’m capturing a moment that will last forever, even if it’ll be forgotten someday. Pictures are hard evidence of past events, things we will cherish forever, and some embarrassing moments we’d rather forget, they’ll last a lifetime. Memories of loved ones that have left us will always be remembered solely because of the photos that I take. Between the good times and the hard times, these photos remind us of our past, help us live in the present, and give us high hopes and optimism for our future.
Most people don’t give two thoughts about the people who live behind the lens. They take their photographers (even if it’s just your mom or a friend) for granted; give credit where credit is due. You wouldn’t have that moment to remember for the rest of your life if it wasn’t for the person who took their time to take it. Even if it’s just the person who always finds themselves on the outs for a group photo, never forget that those precious moments in life will be so much better with a picture to remember it all.