Throughout every friend group, there are always different types of friends. There’s the funny friend, the one you turn to for the one liners to keep the mood up. You have the mom friend, the one who always knows what’s best for the rest of the group and makes sure everyone is alive the day after a wild night out. You also have the pretty friend, the one where you cannot post anything on social media with them without a random guy asking who they are. The friend who denies how pretty she is but has a whole list of guys who do anything for her in a heartbeat. Although this may be an annoyance, there are many perks to being the “ugly” friend.
1. You don’t have to avoid as many creepy guys.
Although you will probably encounter a typical frat guy from time to time, you won’t have to worry as much about random guys creeping on all your social media. You can also have fun out with friends without extremely drunk guys trying to make a move.
2. You probably have an amazing personality.
Let’s face it: if you don’t have amazing looks, you have to bring something to the table. Luckily, you are probably the funny friend, the alcoholic fun friend or one of the other friend types.
3. People don’t only want you for your looks.
If people want to be your friend, you know they aren’t using you for your looks or your popularity. You have something better to offer in 30 years than the wrinkles that everyone will have eventually.
4. No one is intimidated by your appearance.
You are much easier to talk to than the gorgeous blonde girl who makes everyone else feel insecure. You’re probably a lot easier for people to open up to.
5. Your guy friends don’t have ulterior motives.
If you aren’t the pretty friend, chances are your guy friends actually enjoy your company rather than your body. There is less pressure that they might try something on you.
6. You can spend less time getting ready.
If you aren’t the pretty friend, you don’t have to maintain that status. You can get up 10 minutes before class or change 20 minutes before a party without anyone noticing.
7. Girls are less likely to come at you.
There are many girls that are so insecure, they go after the pretty girls for breathing the same air as their boyfriends. If you aren’t the pretty friend, you don’t have to deal with the psycho girlfriends as often.