Everybody knows that "home is where the heart is" and the saying couldn't be truer. Especially around the holiday season. For most, it means seeing family members that they haven't for weeks and getting presents and all that. For college students, it means sleep and food. (Free food, might I add) It means being able to stay up late with no consequences and being able to eat something other than ramen noodles or the mysterious meat that the cafeteria offers on Thursday nights.
Being home means being able to relax without the overwhelming stress of homework and future tests (even if the future semester may be looming over our heads, the thought doesn't last long). It means not only seeing our relatives (that we end up avoiding and hiding from after the third day of break) but seeing our pets and just being able to lay around with them and do nothing. Being home means the TV remote can be yours and you don't have to worry about going to the bathroom because you can do so in peace (because there's only one toilet at home so go as long as you need, just please remember to flush, for the rest of our sake).
Being home means a lot more than most of us actually vocalize and to be honest, we probably wouldn't want to be anywhere else because at the end of the day, home is truly where the heart is (and where the wifi connects) and it's where we all know we have a place to land if we have nowhere else to go.