Christmas is a time where all you want to do is curl up in a blanket with some cookies and watch a movie. If you live under a rock and didn't know this Freeform, previously known as ABC Family does the Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas, to which they come up with a Christmas movie for everyday in December that leads up to Christmas.
I took a poll and asked a few college kids what their favorite Christmas movies are and this was the result:
1. ELF
It was not shocking when the Will Ferrel classic came out on top, I mean Buddy is a really relatable character he's a child in a man's body, he's excited about Christmas AND he KNOWS Santa!
2. The Grinch- Jim Carrey Version
This was really shocking that this was next after Elf in the poll, because honestly, I don't like this version of this movie, it scares me, but the end all be all lesson of both versions of this movie is that the Grinch learned to love people and Christmas all the same.
3. The Nightmare Before Christmas
This one appeals to those who never spot celebrating Halloween, because it is equally a Halloween movie and a Christmas movie, and if you ask me, you can't get better than that.
4. Home AloneCould you imagine being left behind on Christmas? It sounds so sad; however, Macaulay Culkin's character, Kevin was being so disrespectful and probably deserved to be left. Him being left looked like so much fun and I don't know too many kids who wouldn't want to be him, especially since he kicked robber butt.
5. Polar Express
To me this is a holiday classic, both the book and the movie. I also adore Tom Hanks as an actor, because his voice in hypnotizing, how else would someone sit through Forrest Gump for that long?'
6. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
I feel like this movie is an accurate representation of when any large family comes together at any point during the holiday season, whether it's Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years or any other major holiday, considering Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are also observed during the holiday season. It makes it for a fun adventure.
7. Any version of "A Christmas Carol"
Though it was scary to some, the artsy theatre kid in me absolutely loved this movie, play, and book. Granted I could see how being visited by three ghosts in the middle of the night could be creepy, it changed Scrooge's point of view on life.
8. It's A Wonderful Life
This movie is truly a classic in every sense of the word, whether you are talking about strictly Christmas movies or not. I feel like everyone and anyone can enjoy this film no matter how old it is.
9. The Santa Clause Series
Tim Allen could easily be seen as one of the most loved American tv or film actors since the late 90s/ early 2000's. Many of us grew up watching him play the dad Home Improvement and other fatherly life figures. It only made us love him even more.
10. Love Actually
This is another movie that could be seen on two different holidays, but in my family you don't need an excuse to watch it. It follows ten main characters on a trail of loose-ended relationships that tie together in the end. Definitely worth watching.