You like to take on a lot of tasks. I get it, I do it too. A lot of the time it’s because you just can’t bring yourself to say no. Other times, it’s because you think that whatever it is you’re taking on will challenge you in a way that will make you a better person. And honestly, sometimes it’s just about wanting to make sure you’re constantly busy.
Being busy is OK. Whatever you need to do to keep yourself sane and make sure you’re happy with the life that you’re living is great. I support whatever you need to do, whatever challenge you take on: if that’s what’s going to make you happy.
There will be people who are going to worry about you and try to tell you that you’re taking on too much. They mean well, but they just don’t understand you and what it takes to satisfy you. Don’t let these people tell you that you’re taking on too much, or that you shouldn’t be doing what you’re doing. Live your own life and make your own mistakes as long as you learn from them. Only you truly know yourself and how you can handle different situations, so you cannot let another person steal away from you the passion you have to take on new challenges.
Stress is guaranteed if you like to take on a lot of things at once, and the stigma around stress will cause people to tell you that you’re crazy for taking on so much, even if that amount of stress is what helps you to feel safe, comfortable, and content. You need to put yourself first, and what others think should always come second. Take that job. Do that project. Help out with that classroom. Do whatever you can to make yourself a better person without letting the negative thoughts of those around you hinder your own personal progress.
I’m not saying to ignore the advice that others give to you. Advice from others is priceless, and will help get you through many parts of life. Obviously, others have lived, learned, and experienced different things than you and the lessons they learned can be extremely helpful. However, this guidance is not always fact, and should not be taken as such. Only you can decide if you can learn from these mistakes and create a new and better path for yourself, or if you should heed the advice and steer clear of whatever it is you wish to take on. Ultimately, this is your decision. You are the only one who can rightfully and appropriately decide what will be good for you. Keep the advice of those who love you in mind, but make the decision according to what will benefit you most.
Basically, what I’m saying is that you can’t be afraid to take control of your own life. It is yours, after all. Don’t let others stop you from doing what you’re passionate about. Don’t let anyone get in the way of your own success or even your failures, because those will make you a better and stronger person. Allow yourself to explore the world and the challenges it has to offer, and don’t ever let anyone tell you when enough is enough.