To all the people who said their vote did not matter.
If you truly believe your vote did not matter, then I am sorry. I am sorry the system has failed you, friends and family have failed you, into believing your voice is silent.
Your voice does matter.
As a women.
As a man.
As a person with a background.
As a person with any sexual orientation.
Your voice matters, and you matter. Yes, the reality is that our voices will be drowned out, or mashed with other voices, but why stop just because your voice isn't the one that is heard? Why stop just because you're a stronger, bolder voice?
There is no one to blame but yourself when it comes to not voting. You can not blame anyone else for not educating you properly because only you can determine who best represents you, and your view of this nation. To all the people who do not think they have enough emotional strength to vote... there were people before you, who died for this right. They went head over heels for this ability, and you are letting them down. You are letting down your parents, their parents, their parents, but most importantly, you're hurting yourself. This is our future.
And to all the young kids who say that older people shouldn't have a say, shame on you. Shame on you for thinking that peoples' views age, that people are no longer allowed to have a voice because they are elderly. One day, we will be elderly; one day, our kids will yell at us the way we yell at the old. It's rude, because just as much as our vote counts, theirs do too. Their vote is for their benefit; it's for their rights, their wellbeing, and their rewards for working and contributing to society.
After we vote, we wait. When we elect a new president, we need to come together as a country. All parties are guilty of pointing fingers, but that won't unite it, it will only divide us more. We need to work together to restore peace, and to tell the government what we want. They work for us, and they need to listen.