I don’t tell you enough how much you mean to me. In fact, I probably take you for granted more often than not. I wouldn’t be who I am today if you hadn’t come into my life. I wouldn’t have dared to raise the bar or continued to push my limits. You truly make me want to be better tomorrow than I was today. Thank you.
Thank you for disagreeing with me. You challenge my opinions in a loving way. You’re not afraid to tell me I’m wrong, but you’re also going to have my back if you know I’m right. You force me to think outside the box. You make me look at things from a new angle. You make sure I have actual reasons for what I’m doing. Because of you, I’ve learned what it means to truly believe in something. Thank you.
Thank you for asking the hard questions. You ask me things that nobody wants to. You ask me things that I don’t know the answer to. You ask me questions that I don’t want to answer. You don’t do this to be mean. You do this because it forces me to really think about what I’m saying or doing. Thank you.
Thank you for offering me your perspective. You constantly offer me fresh eyes, a new approach, and those things challenge me to look past myself. Your perspective often changes mine. At times, your perspective humbles me. Thank you.
Thank you for knowing when I need you to support me. You know the importance of challenging me, and you do it very well, but you also know when you need to take a step back and come alongside me. This teaches me that there are multiple angles to you and multiple angles to us. You’ve taught me that you truly have my best interests at heart. That, on its own, challenges my way of thinking. Thank you.
Thank you for understanding that sometimes I need some space. You know that I want your feedback. I want your opinions. You know that I’ll come to you for them. You don’t force your thoughts onto me because you know that would compromise what we have. This teaches me to trust you and challenges me to strive to show you this same level of respect. Thank you.
Thank you for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. You challenge me to push my limits; to reach further, jump higher, be better and work harder. You never doubt my abilities. You instill this insanely powerful feeling of confidence in me that I have yet to figure out how to instill in myself. You make me feel like I can do anything and be anything that I could possibly want. You constantly remind me that the world is mine. Thank you.
I wouldn’t be who I am without you. I wouldn’t be where I am without you. Thank you for coming alongside me and pushing me to be the absolute best that I can be every single day. Thank you.