High school has finally come to an end. Finally. But as I sat on a May morning in graduation at Symphony Hall, looking around at the different faces and personalities, I came to a realization. As I intently listened to the salutatorian speech and teared up a bit, I knew what I was going to miss most. It wasn’t the four years of classes or early mornings or much needed lunch periods, but it was the people I met along the way.
Thinking back on my four years, it’s crazy how much everything has changed — more drastically, friend groups. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am so beyond thankful for the friends I was close to for a time but now may not be as close to. Each and every person taught me a lesson, taught me something different. They offered me a new and fresh perspective on life. They shaped me into who I am.
To the friends I almost became best friends with freshman year, I am so thankful for our memories (Lemonade days). Definitely some of the funniest people out there. To my “core four” sophomore year, we always had a fun time together, and you taught me what a blessing friendship is. To the group I hung out with junior year, I had the best times with you guys and made some incredible memories. Had some great bonfires and lots of laughs. To the group I hung out with senior year, you made it the best year of my high school, and I couldn’t be thankful enough. From football games to parties every weekend in basketball season to just hanging out, you made senior year a year I will never forget. To the best friend I made this year, I don’t know how I would've gotten through this year without you. And to my best friend who has been there all four years, you have been my constant.
When high school has finally come to a close, some people have their regrets, saying how they wish they became closer to this person or that. Although most of us could probably go back and change a few things, I am so thankful for the people I met along the way, the people I became close to and the memories they left with me.