Picture this. You're standing in a long line at the supermarket. Today is supposed to be another normal Sunday afternoon of getting groceries, no big deal. There is a lady in front of you with a baby crying. And a couple behind you arguing over if they can afford the cigarettes or not today. You are trying to keep your composure, after all, you have no reason to feel overwhelmed or stressed all you have to do is pay for your groceries and leave. But you feel angry out of nowhere. The man complaining about not getting his cigarettes is affecting you so much to the point to where you are even feeling his with drawl symptoms. And you move to the self-checkout from now on to avoid this conflict. What you just experienced isn't just anxiety, it's because you are probably empathic.
What is empathic? Well Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. So if you are Empathic this means that you have thepsychologicalidentificationwiththefeelings,thoughts,orattitudesofothers. You are basically like a sponge. Everyone's emotions come onto you and you feel them as if they were your own. This can be very overwhelming. You have to learn how to focus on yourself, and not allow someone else's anger to consume you. Once you allow that to happen, it's hard to break free.
Early stages of anxiety especially social anxiety can be the concern of being Empathic. This isn't always a bad thing if you can understand it and use it for positive goals. You can relate to others on a deeper level than the average person. Sometimes even animals. Music is also a big help, if you can concentrate on the artists emotions and relate to them listen to the lyrics and what they are going through.
If you always felt that you were different, that you had these thoughts and emotions that didn't seem like your own. I promise you're not alone. I struggled to wonder if this was normal, if things others could let go, why wasn't I able too? It's because that voice inside of me wanted me to help others. I felt their sadness, so I wanted to comfort them. I'd often get depressed and want to shut the world out. But I have to make myself get up and face reality, because if you don't it will suffocate you.
Love others with this gift, ask God what is the reason you were given this. How your compassion for people can be used as a blessing, instead of sinking into depression. Prayer is the best way to feel any kind of relief, and don't forget to focus on your own emotions too. You can often get lost in others feelings. There is a healthy balance of understanding your own, and what isn't your own. Don't allow others emotions to attack you, learn how to allow them to release theirs with your kindness and understanding.
When you feel like your friend has a burden and they haven't told you, send them that encouraging message. Tell them you love them even if it's out of nowhere. Not everyone is blessed with this, and I promise it can change your life and others for the better.