On July 3rd, 2015, Todd Zanzinger had the idea of a sleeveless party shirt while he was spending his 4th of July weekend on Lake Weir with his family. "Party shirts" have been a common trend among college students for a few years now, but Todd had an idea to take this trend to a new place. If you aren't familiar with this type of apparel, Urban Dictionary puts it this way, "Party Shirt: A shirt, usually colorful, bright and most of the time rather flamboyant, in which you wear when you want to party". Todd's Tanks is the first ever company to design party shirts, while making sure to always "hold the sleeves". Todd's Tanks might have started out appealing to just men looking to show off some skin, but the ladies have begun to embrace the tank lifestyle as well.
Todd is a senior at the University of North Florida, as well as a brother of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. He has always been known to be the life of the party around campus, so he decided to share his party lifestyle. Todd's Tanks has partnered with The Birthday Box organization in order to stay true to the motto: "Get a party, Give a party". For every Todd's Tank that is sold, a party present is donated to an underprivileged child who might not have received one otherwise.
Supporting local start-up companies is such a rewarding investment. Check out Todd's Tanks, you won't regret it.
Free the arm. Party on.