A couple of years ago, if you would have asked me who was my role model my answer would be Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. I admired everything there is to admire about the man, his swagger, his presence whenever he takes center stage at some awards event or when he is on the red carpet, how he composes himself during interviews and listening about his life stories. He always talked about his experiences and accomplishments in such a humble manner in a way that all his achievements seemed small compared to lessons he learned through it, how he learned to hustle, and how he got himself to where he is today. He would always compliment his family and made sure to give thanks to the ones that supported him.
But I have soon grown to realize that celebrities, pro athletes, TV personalities, etc, are not role models. Through mass media, we now more than ever have access to celebrities personal lives, their relationships, their hardships, and most importantly: their stories. Before the influx of technology we had to rely on newspapers, magazines, and the word of mouth to hear about our favorite celebs. Rumors and gossip alike could be altered so really nobody knew what was going on behind the scenes. But now with things like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and multiple others social networks, things are coming to light with our celebs. I ask one question however: Why do people get surprised?
To reach a certain point of fame, it was well known before technology, bridges had to be burned, friends could/would be alienated, some family may stick around for the fame and wealth, quite simply everything you had for your first 18 years of life becomes something for profit. So tell me why we are allowing the next and the current generation to idolize these "role models"? I often hear people asks what's wrong with this generation and why we act the way we do. I'm here to tell you it is because you are letting them idolize these people who put on a complete front for the cameras to get their paycheck. Mass media has conditioned us to think that as long as we appear cordial and humble in front of the people giving us our paycheck, any red flags on the outside can be disregarded. Don't believe me? Ask how many kids post senseless stuff on social media to gain followers and acceptance ( those two being their paycheck ) only to find themselves in the principals office the next day ( obvious red flag ).
I use the Kardashian/Jenner family as an example. I have never seen a family use each other for profit and self benefit like they have. What makes it more sickening? We watch it and follow it like the gospel. So why do parents get surprised when they see their underage daughters post provactive pictures on the Internet, when they are inadvertently having them idolize a 17 year old who does it on the daily? Do not misinterpret this message as me hating on modeling, I love modeling and in fact think its an excellent form of expression and a sense of empowerment, but when an underage girl posts bikini pictures on the daily and you let your little girl follow them and idolize them? You can bet their Instagram will emulate her page because to them, thats what is going to get them 'accepted' and 'trending'.
We see things like "Kim Kardashian Breaks the Internet" and I give props to anybody who singled out the most crucial fact: This woman, who was exposing herself for the world to see, was a MOM. Yes I'm a guy, and yes the photo did catch my attention more than my assignment that was due in two days, but after I singled out that little fact, a part of me was disgusted. As a mom she should be looking to set an example for her daughter, but instead she's doing the opposite. She's telling her daughter that as long as your dignity is thrown out the window and your body is out for the world to see, you are set for life. Thank god there's a Kanye West - whom my respect has grown tenfolds after seeing his dedication to his daughter as a FATHER and not a celebrity.
Then we move to the male "role models". Which in my opinion are failing at doing their jobs. If you look at the current generation of 'men', tell me what do you see? 'Men' or 'Men with the mind of a boy'. Be honest with yourself. I look around and I find myself confused because chivalry nowadays will get you labeled 'whipped'. Manners will have you labeled 'soft'. Respect will have you labeled 'B!tch'. Nowadays, to be a man, you have to at least have five girls under your name and 'swag'. But what started this trend? What contributed to this sudden change of ideals where being a gentlemen and respectful towards females was the trend? The hottest trend for a while has been Disrespect. Disrespecting oneself and those around them.
To answer the previous question, it is because we allow ourselves to think that they are going places in life with their act, even though they only act that way because they've MADE IT ALREADY. What do they have to do worry about? A slap on the wrist? Bad media coverage? Losing a couple thousand dollars out of their million dollar contracts? Thats what their agents are there for. But they act like that and we idolize them because we think thats how we make it. Don't believe me? Look at all the recent controversies surrounding your 'role model' and honestly think, do you want to be like that?
Celebrities are being celebrated for what they bring to the rest of the world, not for what they bring to the people closest to them. Thats why we often hear of turmoil in their families and relationships, why friendships don't tend to last long, and their downward spiral. So please, ask yourself: Who is your role model? Why are they your "role model"? How are they your "role model"? Who are they?
This is my very first entry into my personal blog: thethinkingmancan.blogspot.com. It's a year old, but if you like this then you'll definitely like whats on the official blog. Hope you enjoy!