We all know it's coming. Directors, techies, actors. The thought of what the rest of the week has to hold is painful to imagine. For a week straight, we will all be overly exhausted and running on very little sleep. From costume rips to sicknesses running around, chances are the week will be a gigantic mess.
The first tech rehearsal. Sometimes, everything goes well. But most of the time, the first tech rehearsal is an actual disaster. Actors are not used to the lighting, costumes, etc. Techies are still finalizing their design decisions. Directors are sitting there on edge trying not to blow up and/or panic.
And then you get to the next couple of days. Things are slowly coming together. Yet, there seems to be a new problem every rehearsal that needs immediate attention. Even though the process seems to be taking forever to come together, there is so much time to spend getting to know everyone else involved in the show. Tech week is a rough week, but also the greatest regarding every show.
By the fourth(ish) tech rehearsal, everything is finally going smoothly. But everybody is exhausted and starting to get tired of the process, and each other. Some drama is added to the mix, just because something exciting needs to happen or theatre kids get bored. (It's in our nature).
The last rehearsal is one that feels so good. There is so much excitement when imagining an audience the next night. Everybody is on top of their game, and ready to perform and show the audience what our hard work has created.
Then, its showtime! There is no greater feeling than the survival of tech week. And performing or working through a show backstage. Theatre is magical and wonderful. But it can also be exhausting, mentally and physically. Sometimes, it's hard to bring your character to life after a hard day. Sometimes you are just so tired of all the actors being dramatic and just want to escape being a stage manager. Someone might mess up on lines. A lighting cue might be off. But that's what makes it so great. Nothing is perfect all the time, especially art.
I am blessed beyond belief that Theatre is my outlet. Yes, tech week is rough. But all in all, it's worth every tear, yawn, and eye roll. Inside that green room holds so many laughs and great talks. Every show creates lifelong memories.
Thank you, tech week. For being both an enemy and a friend.