To all the Girls, Ladies, Women, Miss's, Ma'am's, and Mrs.'s,
Whatever you would like to be referred to as. It's important that you know that your thoughts and actions make a difference. Whether you're younger or older, it doesn't matter, you can have an impact on the things around you.
Speaking of differences, throughout my time in college (which has only been two years, I know), I have heard several different reasons for girls to avoid the word feminism or feminist.
Feminism by google definition is the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
In a simpler definition, it's the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities.
Honestly, it's just a word. You can call it what you want or even call yourself a "gender equality activist" or simply a "person fighting for equality."
First of all, Feminists do not hate men. If you read the definition above you would realize that women just want the same rights and opportunities as a man, from that definition we can draw the conclusion that hating men is not feminism. I know that there are some women that hate men and call themselves feminists, but they are wrong and it's important to recognize when someone is misinformed instead of letting that person ruin the image that people have of the entire group.
Feminists are not against traditional female roles.If you want to be a stay-at-home mom, that is great. You like to cook and clean? That's equally as great. Feminists aren't against these things, they are against the idea that they are expected. Feminists are against the idea that women have to do these things. If you want to do these things great but if you don't that's great too! Get a degree, live your dream, do what you want to do, don't let traditional values stand in your way.
Feminism isn't just for the benefit of women either. Feminism is related to the "traditional" roles played in society, such as little things like the colors pink and blue for example, or showing emotion. It can also be bigger things like who you love or your gender identity. These things are all considered traditionally female and often have an association with weakness because of this. The reason it is considered a big deal is because of the way women are still viewed by society and if feminism could help change this perception, it would benefit everyone, not just females.
Because of this, you do not have to be a woman to be a feminist. The only thing that matters is if you care about the equality and equal opportunity of the genders.