“A Terrorist attack and the death toll is 50," and we should be asking ourselves when will it end? This generation has become desensitized to these headlines. When did the world become such a world of hate and disgust? This generation is growing up in a world filled with horror and it seems as though we are trapped inside and can’t get out.
Speaking with different generations they never experienced calamities to this degree. Life was swell and the problems that happened seemed minuscule. Today the problems seem as though they have just begun. Since when did brushing your teeth at night become as common as a mass shooting?
These events are happening and they are happening fast and it is up to this generation to put a stop to it. These events have shaped our youth, but they won’t shape our futures. From 9/11, Fort Hood Shooting, Sikh Temple Shooting, Charleston Church Shooting, San Bernardino Shooting, Paris, to the Orlando Night Club Shooting, this generation has seen it all.
With the Orlando shooting President Obama said in an address to the nation from the White House "We know enough to say this was an act of terror and act of hate," this generation is suffering and events like this are only making that more clear.
As the generations have become more advanced so have means of obtaining intelligence. The largest gap between our generation and previous generations is the ability to access information. Now anyone who has access to a computer or smartphone has the ability to look something up, via the Internet with just a click of a button.
The hate from other parts of the world cannot be stopped, but we can come together and take better control. We can be better citizens to our surroundings and take notice of the people we are sitting next to on a train, on a bus, on a plane, and if any odd behavior is noticed it is our right to stand up and take action.
There are all different types of people in the United States, but that should not matter. If you're Caucasian, African American, Filipino, or Mexican the color of our skin does not divide us and neither will acts of terror. Coming together for the good of our people is best in situations like this. Lashing out and getting angry about these events does not help, it only fuels the fire.
We must use our skills and work together to create a safer environment for our citizens to live in. Everyone’s voice deserves to be heard. Our problems will not control us, our actions will. We need to carry ourselves through hard times and push for a better future.
If our country can come together we will no longer be asking ourselves when will it end. We will be asking ourselves How can we resolve this, how can we come together citizen to citizen. How can we change our future from a tornado to perfect days of 75-degree weather with no clouds in sight?