Right off the bat, people will jump to incorrect assumptions based on the title of this article alone. I am a religious person. I am a human being. I am both of these at once. They are not juxtaposed or inherently irreconcilable. I don't understand why people think they are. What happened in Orlando recently was absolutely tragic, and I am truly shocked and saddened by the way I have seen some people in this world react to it.
On various social media platforms over the past week, I have seen some downright disturbing and sickening posts, making light of what happened in Orlando. Some used Bible quotes to say that this senseless atrocity was justified, because this was a gay bar, and the bible "clearly" says homosexuality is a sin. To those people, I'd like to say that the Bible says a lot of other things are sinful as well, things that I bet you wouldn't think twice about doing. We are all sinners. Don't judge someone just because they sin differently than you. Don't try to mask your bigotry by claiming you are doing the "work of God." I've been a practicing Catholic for over twenty years. I have never once been taught to hate homosexual people. As a matter of fact, Pope Francis recently called for more love and acceptance of the LGBTQ community.
To Pastor Roger Jimenez of Sacramento, who praised the shooting in a video that went viral earlier this week, I am baffled by the fact that you can claim to be a man of God, yet go and say such disgusting and hateful words. This is a prime example of people twisting the Bible for their own benefit, to justify what is nothing more than their own intolerance. If this is what you think God wants, Pastor Jimenez, I implore you to re-evaluate the Christian faith or find a different profession because obviously you are severely misinformed.
I am continuously perplexed that people think religion and basic humanity cannot coexist. Whatever your views on homosexuality are, the bottom line is that these people are human beings and should be treated as such. I believe everyone is entitled to his or her own beliefs and everyone's beliefs should be respected so long as these beliefs are not deliberately harmful to others. Today it seems people do not understand what it means to live and let live. These were 50 innocent people who were murdered for absolutely no reason other than their sexual orientation. That is absolutely unacceptable and downright appalling. To you religious people who think this was God's way of "punishing" them, please check yourselves. It is disgusting to think God would condone such a horrendous and horrific event. I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing that the God I've been raised to know would condemn someone solely because of who he or she chooses to love.
I will never understand what causes people to commit such terrible atrocities out of hate. How can you hate people so much for no other reason than their sexual preferences? How does that even remotely affect you? If you don't like it, keep your comments to yourself. Live your life and let them live theirs. We don't need more hate to be spread in this world. God calls us to love one another as He has loved us. I think that should be at the forefront of anyone's religious doctrine, as that is what the world needs: love. To those affected by the tragedy in Orlando, and to all my friends in the LGBTQ community, I am so sorry. I am with you and I love you.
I hope to one day live in a world where love will always overpower hate. That is the way it should be.
"Hate: it has caused a lot of problems in this world but it has not solved one yet." -Maya Angelou
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."- 1 Peter 4:8