Earlier this week, I watched one of the saddest things happen in a country I was once proud to call home. A man filled with much hatred has become the most powerful man in the world, and it is heartbreaking.
However, the one thing that is frustrating me more than the people who flat out support the new leader, are the people who are apathetic to the entire thing.
Apathy: Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
I believe that the opposite of hate is not total acceptance, oh no, it is apathy.
Apathy lets people not care about what is happening to the world around them and let them say well, whatever happens, happens.
This is a huge problem, after all, the root of all evil is when good people do nothing. And that is a prime example of what is happening in the United States right now. People are just like, we will make it through, as they voted for someone who would not win.
The problem with apathy is the lack of ability to care about other people, and see the person for who they are. When you tell someone that you don't see religion, or race, or sexual orientation, you are refusing to see what makes that person unique and what makes their experience as a human unique and different than yours.
While it is so easy to just not care about what is happening, I must implore that people start caring, and maybe, just maybe, we can make this country a safer place.